My Scrap Stuff

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer 08

Boy, this has been the busiest summer I have ever had!!!! I have taken 2 scrap classes at TM since June 1 and done 3 other lo's. I have been running between clients, the kids and hubby. We had Rhett start his first full time job, Erin headed off to Wales for one month, move her into her appt. in Shreveport, Jillian taking cooking classes, teeth pulled, braces and Dance classes. Whew, I am tired just thinking of all that has gone on this summer. When I realized I hadn't touched this blog, I felt I should explain. I would love to post some layouts, but don't think I'll have the time until August. We leave for Cancun soon and I am busy getting the family ready for that. Hope all have had a good summer, God Bless your Fall and I'll be back ASAP. Thanks so much for checking in. Lisa